About SF Innovations
Jane and Seggy Segaran
SF Innovations was set up in 2017, by my husband and I. Our aim is to promote technologies and products which protect the environment and have a positive impact on the communities in which they are used.
In 2018, we launched a project with the EMACE Foundation of Sri Lanka to manufacture and supply 50 each of Solar and Haybox Cookers to low income families. SF Environment provided all the funding while EMACE organised the manufacture of the cookers locally, identified suitable recipients and provided training and literature.
In 2019 we went out to Sri Lanka to work with local charities, travelling around the north of the island. We subsidised the local build of 100 fuel efficient cook stoves. These use up to 50% less wood and produce less smoke. They are currently being marketed by Emace to raise revenue for future builds.
Back in the UK, SF Innovations provide workshops on low impact cooking to promote various energy saving technologies and can often be found at local markets, promoting and selling these products.
Some of these have been in association with the Environment Centre at St. Nicks in our hometown of York and others at various festivals - Green Gathering, Radical Bakers and Festival of Thrift to name a few.
Over lockdown, we have used Zoom workshops to reach hundreds of attendees around the UK as well as worldwide.
We have also written a few books on this topic, which can be found here.
On this blog, you will find information about haybox thermal cooking alongside recipes for vegetarian food and homemade eco friendly cleaning products as well as updates and info on our markets and workshops.
I hope you find it useful!
Jane Segaran
SF Innovations